From the time of the formation of 12 Field Squadron in 1950, the unit has conducted many construction and maintenance works for both the community and the Defence department.
All the works were carried out with enthusiam and in a professional manner.
There were two significant times the the Squadron was recognised for their achievements, the first being the granting of the Freedom of the city of Glenorchy and the second being the demolition of the Ring River railway bridge in the West of Tasmania, which had to be removed so it would not be a hazard when the area was dammed with water to create Lake Burbrey
Freedom of the City of Glenorchy
Not many either, regular or reserve military units have the honour of Freedom of the City granted to them.
12 Field Squadron was granted the Freedom of the City of Glenorchy on the 22 Feb 1976 with Maj A J Peters as O C and later exercised the Freedom of the City on the 26 Feb 1982 with Maj D.E.Townsend as O C and again on the 09 Mar 1984 with Maj C.D. Bowden.

Freedom of the City of Glenorchy 1976 Maj AJ Peters
Freedom of the City of Glenorchy 1982 Maj D Townsend
Ring River railway bridge demolition
In the 1980's the Hydro Electric Commission of Tasmania commenced planning to dam the Pieman River Power Scheme on the West Coast of Tasmania to create a new storage lake for generating electricity.
When the new lake would be flooded, it would be open to recreational boating activities. This meant that the Emu Bay Railway bridge over the Ring River (if left in it's current position) would be only 1 Mtr below the water level at the lakes full capacity.
This would be a hazard to boating on the lake, so the bridge had to be removed. Given the difficulty of removing the bridge, it was decided to demolish the structure using explosives.
12 Fd Sqn was given the task of demolishing the bridge, which would be the largest bridge structure demolition using explosives conducted by the Army since World War Two. An RAAF Chinook helicopter airlifted the explosives and equipment to the site.
In May 1985 under the command of Maj C Bowden the sappers from 12 FD Sqn undertook the demolition of the bridge.
In support of the Sappers there were the RAInf for security, RAEME for mechanical support, Signals detachment for communications, 10 Fd Amb for medical and catering corps.
The Sappers placed 700 kg of plastic explosives in the form of shaped charges attached to the pylons and main span beam structure which was detonated at 1500 hr on May 23 1985 .